Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Animals < Adam < the Great I AM

Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. 
~Genesis 2:19  

It is here that our Bible first speaks of language. From the beginning Hebrew language is used to communicate the story of creation. Communication must have existed before man because the Trinity fulfills Their need for fellowship (communication) within Themself. But when God finally brings the creatures to Adam to name, it does not only show the subhuman nature of animals. The reader must also notice the task Adam has in naming the beasts and birds. 

Perhaps this is too existential for earthly value, but my mind cannot help but ponder this--[God's being is expressed in the Bible with attributes of truth, light, holiness, justice, sovereignty, creation, righteousness, love, etc. Of his attributes, God is the zenith or best of example of each. Yet these vocabulary words like other theological jargon (propitiation, sanctification, reprobation) are meaningless on their own. They are powerless without assigned category. I do not believe that God as He sees Himself described through our lowly terminology. Our terminology may be accurate but does not do justice to our God. He is holier then our word holy. He is more true then our minds can comprehend. His love is deeper then our love. We know He created the world, but scientists will never know how. And of Himself, He simply says I AM.] 

The Bible text is not limited by language in glorifying God. The Bible is the Word of God, different then any other work of man. However man's understanding is limited. Literacy is a grace of God. Without it, the Bible might as well be a picture book, filled with iconography for Greek/Russian Orthodox Christians. 

The I AM name is a real mind shattering statement. When Adam is giving names to the animals, essentially God is letting him categorize His creation. With the evolution of man's language came more compartments to place nouns and verbs and adjectives. God's statement of absolute being (I AM) is scary because it isn't a name that Adam or any of his fallen descendants came up with. He is not a created creature. He is who no one else is. GOD.

Monday, February 16, 2009

2 internet databases I would like to visit

The Good Guy Bad Guy List
This site would be a profiled listing of both ministers and theological academicians. The profile would list their different points of doctrine as well as up-to-date ministry status. The publishing body responsible for this site would be making opinionated, obviously not final judgments on these teachers. Next to each name a simple thumbs up or thumbs down would suffice. The profiled theologians would be given a forum to amend their reputations or misunderstandings or be defended by readers. 

This fictitious  site would be used as a quick reference while reading footnotes mentioning unknown figures. (this idea came after searching for quick bulleted information at Apprising Ministries. All Ken Silva's posts are in the form of articles.) This site could aid in the flow of information at Apprising Ministries.

The Expositional Archive
Many pastors are posting their sermons online these days on their churches website or simply with iTunes podcasts. In addition to this generous resource, I am coming across more pastors who engage with their congregations preaching expository messages rather than topical. As these pastors post their churches trek through particular books or passages, slowly the Bible becomes much more accessible. 

With various pastors preaching and teaching out of various books in the Bible and posting their sermons online, it would be relatively easy to compile all these sermons onto one site. Listeners could find sermons on any passage of scripture they desired. Obviously there would be some overlapping with books like Romans, John, and other New Testament best sellers. But this would only add to the richness of the resource. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Art Direction

Art is to the aristocrat as  knowledge is to the blind philosopher. You cannot understand the creativity of man until you glimpse the master artist's work. Every brilliant brush stroke of the Dutch masters--the cold smooth Grecian sculptures--the flying buttresses of the glorious cathedrals--All but juvenile scribbles when compared to the mastery of God. For the mystery of creation lies in the mind of only God. And the man who tries to extract just a slivers of glorious creativity for himself, deserves damnation for this great sin. 

If "art" is to benefit the church it must be approached with great caution. I have heard from men more loyal to their work then their God, that the church needs to embrace artists more readily and encourage their work. Even art which pulls from worldly philosophies (modernism, existentialism, or mysticism) seems fair game to these "outcast" christians. These works of art, in charismatic circles, give reason for prophetic guessing games. "Well to me, the painting shows God's creation story. I can see the moon and stars over there and that looks like a giraffe. And those splotches of blue could be the feet of God walking in the garden." If God would grace us with a prophetic painting, don't you think He would grace us also with an interpretation. 

Rogue artists must submit to church authority like everyone else. If art is to have the blessing of God it must not fly in the face of Christian apostolic council. The artistic attribute of rebellious creativity is sinful. They want to push the envelope. Shock and Awe. We must ask ourselves, are these artists even saved? A regenerated soul ought not behave this way. 

I am in favor of careful discernment before every social rule is flirted with by those who ask to be assumed as Christian artists. It takes patience and humility to wait for art direction from a spiritual authority sometimes. But if an artist shows himself faithful and submitted, He can only expect to watch as God glorifies Himself through the artist's pieces. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite

I will sing of the lovingkindness of the Lord forever; 
To all generations I will make known Your faithfulness with my mouth.
For I have said, "Lovingkindness will be built up forever."
"I have made a covenant with My chosen; 
I have sworn to David My servant, 
I will Establish your seed forever
And build up your throne to all generations."

The heavens with praise Your wonders, O Lord;
Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies is comparable to the Lord?
Who among the sons of the mighty is like the Lord, 
A God greatly feared in the council of the holy ones,
And awesome above all those who are around Him?
O Lord God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty Lord?
Your faithfulness also surrounds You. 
You rule the swelling of the sea;
When its waves rise, You still them.
You Yourself crushed Rahab like one who is slain; 
You scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm.

Psalm 89:1-10