Monday, October 13, 2008

Love Wins

I have a friend with a bumper sticker. It says Love Wins. This statement was made and canonized by a brilliant communicator named Rob Bell.

Rob Bell is the Pastor of Mars Hill in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He and his associates have been attacked, sometimes mercilessly, for their doctrinal statements, their fellowship with non-christian faiths, and refusal to condemn open sin within the four walls of their church. This banner that flies above Mars Hill (Love Wins) is used as a way to deflect incoming criticism. It really is a work of genius. To stick your head high in a war of words and choose to "Love" instead of returning fire, creates a congregation of persecuted and unified people.

Locally, Mars Hill's greatest enemy is the megachurch Resurrection Life. The Resurrection Life consensus seems to be: Mars Hill's stole Res Life members. These former Res Lifers have abandoned their faith to follow after a man and his strange teachings. When these feelings were voiced, sadly real rifts grew between families and within families. 

On the great world wide web, Christian watchdog sites like apprising ministries have their readers constantly up to date on the latest heresy uttered from Rob Bell's mouth. It seems that every public venue that Mr. Bell speaks at must have a listening ear feeding the bloggers everywhere juicy tidbits. Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill in Seattle, Washington, gave probably one of the best overall critiques of the Emergent Movement in America at the 2007 Convergent Conference.

And to all these words spoken against Rob Bell and his work, a simple white on black bumper sticker responds. Love Wins. Is that true? At the risk of being one more voice yelling crucify, let me ask two questions that need to be asked about this Love Wins statement. 1) What is their definition of Love? 2) Will their definition of love truly win over the yelling of nay sayers?

1. The Rob Bell version of Love is a silent love. It would rather not confront and ask the hard questions that only a true loving friend would ask. Iron sharpens iron. Is there no friction involved in sharpening? Real love would rather sacrifice the peace of the friendship so that a greater good can be accomplished; freedom from bondage to sin.

2. The Apostle Paul made a stop in Athens on one of his missionary trips. The book of Acts says he was brought before the Stoic philosophers that sat upon Mars Hill and heard and discussed new teachings and ideas. When Paul was given the floor, he brought a message void of the Cross. Void of Christ. It was a Rabbinic teaching much like the philosophizing of Rob Bell. As a result, no church is established in Athens. (The Irony is almost unreal). Paul's failure at Mars Hill so depresses him that by the time he comes to Corinth, he has "decided to know nothing except Christ, and him Crucified." This "love" that Rob Bell champions will not win over the nay sayers. Because it is not just silent, impotent. It is not love at all. The nay sayers, whether Christian or not, see only words and ideas. They like those at Athens are unimpressed and unchanged.

...I sent a text the other day. It read, "At Mars Hill Paul failed, but Love Wins."

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