Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Prophetic" Arrogance

If you haven't read Dutch's Response to the US Presidential Election read it first before hearing what I say. This is a response to a forward I received late last week.

I'm glad that I'm not included under "Dutch's stream" of Christians. Where does he get off that he can say that God's will didn't happen last week during elections. That is absurdly unbiblical and it is arrogant. How does Dutch "prophetically" proclaim that God did not appoint Obama when in Romans 13:1 it says "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." And don't let anyone say that this verse is out of context, because in context, Paul is writing this while Nero is the Cesar in Rome. How dare we as Christians live defiantly against the man that God established as OUR leader. 1st Timothy 2:2 says we are to pray for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Not a life of repaying the Democrats for the ridicule they paid the Republicans for the last 8 years.

I'm not saying the new president stands for everything we as Christians believe. But God has a purpose for everything. And as my Hess grandparents are so faithful to remind me, God is Sovereign and can take any evil and turn it into something that will Glorify him. Our Faith is in God, not in our government. We serve a God is much bigger than American politics. The Beautiful thing about God is that when the man who we would rather lead us isn't elected, we can lean that much more on His goodness regardless of what the circumstance makes us feel. We are not led by feelings we led by the Word of God.

I love God's Goodness. And unborn babies being aborted does not convince me otherwise. God is still Good. This is not a denial of the colossal waste of life and the grisliness of the abortion. But it is a refusal to let an evil world dictate how I interpret what the Bible speaks of God's attributes. I feel sorry for those who think they are always out of God's will as if there is alternate realities of time and space. As if what was true for one reality was not true for another. This a postmodern man's idea of God. It is a God who is weak like Baal and false like a golden calf. Come on, God is bigger than that.

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